Hong Kong Art Basel

11 June 2024

Hong Kong Art Basel
I was so pleased to bump into my friends Nouriel Roubini and Shai Battel when I arrived in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Art Basel
I had a great evening out with Tim Neuger, and we watched people play ping pong in the middle or Hong Kong!
Hong Kong Art Basel
At Marianne Boesky Gallery, Celeste Rapone was a show stopper
Hong Kong Art Basel
Jammie Holmes’ practice is developing in a wild and exciting direction
Hong Kong Art Basel
The best work for me was at Greene Naftali by Jacqueline Humphries
Hong Kong Art Basel
The work of Cary Kwok has taken a more modest direction. This work of a cup of coffee gives of a sense of unease
Hong Kong Art Basel
At Francesca Minini, I loved the work of Francesco Simeti; there was something very special about this work
Hong Kong Art Basel
Loved this work by one of my favourite artists Tishan Hsu at Miguel Abreu Gallery
Hong Kong Art Basel
Awwwww and look what I spotted! Two very lonely space boys by Jean Marie Appriou
Hong Kong Art Basel
At Sadie Coles were some lovely porcelain works by Katja Seib
Hong Kong Art Basel
I spotted another of my favourite artists Hayv Kahraman at Pilar Corrais
Hong Kong Art Basel
The famous Giger Chair inspired the game of thrones dated in 1972 at Mai 36 Galerie
Hong Kong Art Basel
We spotted some lovely Mr. sculptures and paintings
Hong Kong Art Basel
At Tim Neuger, Billy Childish was the darling of the art fair. I love his work
Hong Kong Art Basel
Then spotted with my son Liam and Nuriel some young collectors!
Hong Kong Art Basel
The highlight of the art fair was the Alex Israel AI. I found our pictures of Finland being shown all around on the head screens in front of a newly decorated BMW by Alex
Hong Kong Art Basel
Then I found my self in Japan with a red octopus..!