Aaron Curry
b.1972, Antonio, USA. Lives and works in Los Angeles, USA

Aaron Curry's sculptures and collages are explorations of depth versus surface, 2-dimensionality versus 3-dimensionality and the abstract versus the biomorphic. By stacking thin planes of material in new hybrid forms, he translates the collage structure into spatial structures with bodily characteristics, while collages and drawings seem to be sculptures in which volume has collapsed. Curry draws on modernist, sculptural traditions, where living forms are invoked in surreal ways, recalling Miro, Arp and Tanguy. Yet he mixes such tropes with popular culture, for example by producing sculptures in camouflage print, using technicolor and sci-fi references as well as tribal art aesthetics. Curry's sculptures often come across as postmodern totems, oscillating between the shamanic magic and the dystopic, between the crafted sometimes wooden material and the mass-produced commodity. They comment on the status, fate and significance of the artwork today.