Elad Lassry
b. 1977, Tel Aviv, Israel. Lives and works in Los Angeles, USA.

Drawing on the look and feel of popular photographic forms such as magazine advertising or cinema stills, Elad Lassry blurs the distinction between newly shot studio images and the found material he gathers. The traditional genres of still life and portraiture are wittily reformatted into enigmatic and iconic works, consistent in their small scale and distinctive framing in plastic, timber and resin that extend the image itself into sculptural space. Flat colour backgrounds place Lassry’s subjects – whether people or objects – in a dance of free-floating signification. In a works such as Woman (Ball A), 2014 there is a sense of a catalogue advertising an unspecified product. The perception of the viewer is activated by images and textures that might be strangely familiar, but also offer a puzzle regarding meaning and intention.