Master Class 2016

Testing Ground: Master Class offers a unique and free opportunity for a small group of emerging artists to work closely with leading international artists to discuss and develop their studio practice. Over the course of a week, eight young artists nominated by a nationwide group of artist-run spaces will participate in an intensive series of tutorials, workshops, reading groups, studio and gallery visits and seminars led by artist Doug Fishbone and guest artists including Adam Chodzko, Andy Holden, Joseph Kosuth, and Linder, as well as Zabludowicz Collection curators. In addition, each of the established artists will present an evening lecture giving participants and public a greater insight into their practice.
The emerging artists participating in this year’s initiative are Joe Fletcher Orr, Georgie Grace, Holly Hendry, Simon Hood, Beth Kettel, Luke Overin, Karine Talec and Laura Yuile. They were nominated by artist-run spaces Cactus (Liverpool), Cubitt (London), Eastside Projects (Birmingham), Generator (Dundee), Millington Marriott (London), Platform (Belfast), Primary (Nottingham), Spike Island (Bristol) and Supercollider (Blackpool).
Wednesday 3 February: Joseph Kosuth
Thursday 4 February: Adam Chodzko
Saturday 6 February: Andy Holden
Sunday 7 February: Linder
Participant testimonials
Intense Intense Intense Intense Game Changer Weird Fun Brilliant Great No Sleep Boozing Art Overdose Mint Great Fun Fun Fun Tense Super Helpful. DO IT, but how much art can you take?
Luke Overin
A fantastic model for professional/ creative development. A more intense version of a master’s-type course that is closer to gallery systems.
Holly Hendry